Nika White: Page 5

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
President & CEO

Dr. Nika White is a national authority and fearless advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion. As an award-winning management and leadership consultant, keynote speaker, published author and executive practitioner for DEI efforts across business, government, non-profit and education.

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Latest: Page 5


10 Reasons Why a DEI Coach Is Good for Business

When executives undergo diversity, equity and inclusion training, everyone benefits.


Hire Like a Diversity Expert: 5 Key Qualities of Inclusive Employees

Hiring diverse and inclusive talent is not as easy as you think.


4 Ways to Cultivate Inclusion and Compassion In the Workplace

In the times we're living in, more and more people are experiencing stress, unhappiness, and anxiety in the workplace. The more your staff can feel supported, acknowledged and understood, the more they can positively contribute to your business.


How Brands Can Go From Performative Allyship to Actual Allies

When you "talk the talk" without "walking the walk" you're inviting others to hold you accountable.


4 Ways DEI Can Help Manage Business Risk

DEI isn't a nice-to-have anymore. Not having it is setting up your company for failure.


Are You the DEI Consultant Your Industry Needs?

There's a big market opportunity for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion businesses with expertise in a particular industry.